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Saturday, July 08, 2006

Here's "The Word"!

The word is:
Chores - the stuff you do to keep the house running ( and use as excuse when spouse complains that you didn't do something else)
Lovin'- the time that you spend with your spouse to renew your affection for them (and soak up the fact they are all yours!)
Punishment- what your kids get when they disobey the rules ( and what we do when we can't figure out how to prevent it with Love and Logic, aakk.)
Pay check- what someone gets paid for the hours they work (what we get if the customer pays on time)
Date night- the night each week/month that you and spouse go out alone to have time together (the night we go out with the kids so we can go somewhere!)
Relatives- the people you are related to (the people you dont know well and dont see much, but think that they know so much about you and what you should be doing)
Words- letters strung together that are used to communicate our thoughts and feelings ( and idiotic opionions).
With that I say, this is a great way to rant! Just one human's opinion in a world full of them. Adios amigos,

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I like your list!