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Saturday, August 25, 2007

Life with a 6 (going on 16) year old boy!

I read my friend Jenny's blog about her "independent" son and it has reminded me of my "independent" son who has been "maturing" overnight from 6 years old to 16!
It must be the transition to age 7 and going to 1st grade, but Tristram has been very "grownup" lately. He doesn't feel the need to associate with his family most of the day, he doesn't ask permission to run around the farm or go with grandpa unless we hound him and he likes to debate the validity of every punishment and our parenting rights / skills. AAAACCCCKKKK!
Needless to say we have equiped him with a firefly cell phone which allows us to reach him on the farm when he is with grandpa or on his 4wheeler. We also do a lot of "laying down the law" with him and restricting his activities if he chooses to have a "bad day" or whine about the rules. He is very grownup and helpful most of the time, but has gotten the idea that he is too old to follow the "baby" rules. Well, I guess growing up has ups and downs. It will get better soon (i hope).

Friday, August 24, 2007

Life in Colville, WA so far.

Hi all,
It has been fun running around the area doing things that we haven't done before.

We still work during the week, but have had relatives visit and that creates time to go play.

When my sis, michelle was still in Medeline I went w/ the kids to the Ione parade and had a picnic at the campsite of the Huberts and swam in Sullivan lake too. It was great!The next weekend we went back w/ darin this time and swam in the lake some more before michelle and family had to leave for Indiana.

Kids at the parade in Ione.

View of lake and mountains from beach we went to.

Kids and michelle looking at the Huberts Yaks.

We have done a little site seeing of the countryside on our own and possible land we could buy. It is so pretty here. Then there was a colville rendezvous here that had food, music and vendors. Got a few more charms for my bracelet at it.
Darin's sis, Jenny and her girls came to visit grandparents and us. We played on the 4wheelers.
One day we got to go to the river in Kettle, which is about 15min west of here. We swam and layed in the sand on the bank. I even floated on a tube in the river with my niece, who is 14 and so fun. Got peaches and apricots. Then we went to eat icecream on the way home. We also got to spend time chatting w/ Jenny and the girls to catch up on their lives. Good times.

Next David and Rachel and their 3 girls (who are close to our kids age) came and the kids played together lots. They all tried to fish. Dave helped grandpa with stuff and us ladies visited a little. Rachel got to rest more so that is was a real vacation. We did all help build a mini dam (using stones) to divert the river flow, so that it wouldn't erroad the ground around the bridge. It was kinda fun. We all helped pick more peaches. We also pick a little corn for dinner the last night. Yummy! More good times.

Then of course the kids have played outside on the 4wheelers and on the swingset, whenever they can. Great fun and they will hate it when school takes up most of the day. Oh well, summer is great.

Me and Ephraim. He is 10.6lbs and 22.5in now. Such a little cutie.