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Friday, November 14, 2008

Musing of a MOM

I sometimes have moments where I am able to reflect on all the things in my life that have helped to shape and mold who I am today. Most times I can say that they were good and other times I should have made better choices about who or what I let influence me and change me. I am, however, happy to say that I am better than I could be and I truly feel I am on the right path in my life. No matter how long it might be or how difficult it has been or will be again I am glad I chose it.
Ok, the point I am getting to is that I have seen a lot changing in the world and in our country. I feel a sense of urgency that has always preceded important decisions in my life. I hope that I am getting better at recognizing the promptings of my creator and his ability to teach me as he trys to guide me. He is so good at knowing exactly what I need to understand the path I need to take. I just have to be willing to feel pain and discomfort because of the path I have to take to reach what purpose God has for me at that time.
The reason I know this is because of all the things in my past that have been hard to go through, but have brought me to where I am today. The only thing that can make these experiences worth it is commiting to continue on the journey and keep God's plan for me as the top motivator in my actions.
I am just as falable as the next person out there. I always have to keep evaluating my life to see if what I am doing at the time is a reflection of my beliefs and convictions or a product of my imperfect temporal desires and faults. Sometimes I review myself and come up short. It is at those times that I have had to be willing to admit my flaws and decided to adjust my course or my priorities. It is this self analysis that has been both a blessing and a stressor in my life. I am glad that I do it, but I am also glad that I have support in recognizing the better parts of me.
My life has been filled with people, sometimes fleeting and sometimes long-term, that show me the great person they see. I am so greatful for all those people who have been that for me at times in my life. If you are one of those people... know that I recognized and appreciated the love and caring you shared with me.
My desire in life is to be that person for someone else who needs to know that even though they mess up they are still important and worth the effort they put into themselves. I know that it is our knowledge of who we are and where we came from that gives us the hope of something better than today. It is this that drives me to seek the best in myself and the best example to follow. It is this that brings me closer to my God and Heavenly Father. No matter what is happening at the time I know that he sees, hears and focuses on me. He is my constant companion in my journey through life. My choice is to make it a good or bad experience for us both. I hope I can make it better rather than worse.
I know it sound funny, but I am glad that I can talk about these things in a forum that might open me up to criticism and still be able to do it anyway. I hope that if you read this you can relate or understand me just a little bit more. chanel.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Another awesome Daily Gem!

Daily Gems
Understanding Sacred Things

"The importance of having a sense of the sacred is simply this--if one does not appreciate holy things, he will lose them.
Absent a feeling of reverence, he will grow increasingly casual in attitude and lax in conduct. He will drift from the moorings that his covenants with God could provide. His feeling of accountability to God will diminish and then be forgotten. Thereafter, he will care only about his own comfort and satisfying his uncontrolled appetites. Finally, he will come to despise sacred things, even God, and then he will despise himself.

"On the
other hand, with a sense of the sacred, one grows in understanding and truth. The Holy Spirit becomes his frequent and then constant companion.
More and more he will stand in holy places and be entrusted with holy things. Just the opposite of cynicism and despair, his end is eternal life."

Topic: sacred things, accountability, reverence

(D. Todd Christofferson, "A Sense of the Sacred," CES fireside for young adults, Nov. 7, 2004)

Having a reverence and a standard for how to approach things of a sacred nature is vital to becoming closer and more like our Saviour and Heavenly Father. chanel.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

I love America!

Hi friends!
I have decided to put some new stuff on my blog.
I don't do well with basic journaling, even though I keep saying i will get better.
So...........I am posting about stuff that I want to make sure I put out there for all to know about myself and my beliefs.

I have been watching the campaigns of the various candidates for president this year. I have heard things come out of some of their mouths and the mouths of those they trust and are supported by, that have made me cringe!
Some of the sources of the things heard are Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Michelle Obama, Barach Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Chelsie Clinton. I am sure there are things said by others that I am not thinking of, but for the purposes of this rant these will do.
When I hear these things that "make me cringe" it is because of the negative and fear mongering spirit that is prevalent in all of them. The speeches given that seem to say " Hey dummy you can't take care of yourself, so give me all your money and I will show you how to do it" are both insulting and scary. The idea that as an American people we don't and can't survive or prosper without one of these presidential hopefuls remaking America is ridiculous.
Yes, America isn't perfect and it has it's problems. However, this does not mean that someone needs to come in an remake or redo our constitution or what we believe as a nation!
The constitution is still the most liberating, just and detailed document that supports and outlines the rights of all people.
America is still the nation that scans the globe for injustice and works to make it better. The nation that other countries' people look to for aid and inspiration for their own rights and freedoms. That has an unending flow of immigration, legal and illegal, to obtain the rights and freedoms we have!
No matter what differences we have politically, religiously, racially, financially, etc. We all are Americans that benefit from the nation that we live in. No one should allow a politician or anyone else to tell them that American is broken and needs to be thrown away!
When you watch this electoral race and make decisions on who to vote for, remember that no matter what they promise, they should commit to uphold the constitution, pledge allegiance to our country and it's people, support and protect our current rights and freedoms, protect our country physically and economically and have a positive outlook on the future of America and its people... WHOM YOU ARE TRYING TO GET ELECTED TO LEAD AND SERVE!

I am a daughter of God, a wife and mother, a Christian, a woman and an AMERICAN! I want our country's way of life upheld, supported and CONTINUED! I also want lower taxes for all and the same percentage rate tax for all. I want a armed forces that protects us. I want decent educational system, where kids can learn. Higher education that gets better as you pay more. I want healthcare that gets better when I choose to pay more for it. I want to have an idea or skill that I can use (by the freedoms we have) to create wealth if I work hard and do it. I want a "democracy, free market, american dream-access" type of America. So.....
If you are running for president and don't want these things or want to "change" these things, then you do not understand what you have had access to in this country and do not need to be in charge of it.

If you agree with this or have a question, feel free to post and i will respond. God bless,
chanel stevens.