This week I have been rushing around to get all the various things we do wrapped up, so we can go to Washington for a few weeks. I forgot how much there is to think about when you have to leave it all for awhile. Well, tomorrow is a my day to pack and clean, yeah. Tonight Tristram was throwing a fit and trying to argue with me about getting a treat. It was hard not to debate with him as to why he didn't get one, but I didn't let him keep arguing with me. So he had to go to bed without making his point. Oh well, tomorrow is another day.
On a more interesting note, I have been able to ponder on various situations happening in different areas of my life and have learned a few things about myself. I had always wondered why my Patriarchal blessing said I would be a peacemaker in my family? I never thought I would be good at this. Well, I have definitely been able to practice being one. I seem to get stuck in the middle of "issues" between others alot. This has allowed me to be more understanding of others and their faults. It is easy to think that I am right, but it is not easy to get along with others if I always think that. I am trying to stop myself and think "how are they seeing this" before I pass judgement or assume something.
I have also learned that I can only take so many "issues" before I want to stick my head in the sand. Going to Washington will help me to clear my mind of any nagging problems and regroup my priorities and goals. I hope to write more again, but till then, keep on smiling!
chanel stevens